Four month checkup
Here I am after my 4 month checkup and I did it again..I'm in the 95th percetile for height, weight and head circumference. This means that I'm growing big!
Current stats: 27.25 inches tall, 44.5 cm head and 17 lbs 15 oz!
I'm already wearing clothes for 6 month olds! I have two cool yellow bandaids where I got shots today. I cried and cried...and then when I got home I cried some more. It was so loud that the neighbors heard me two doors down!
And then my Dr found a surprise!.... I even have a tooth (or two?) coming in. She said that 4 months is about the earliest they see teeth.
I'm also rolling over on my front sometimes... but tummy-time is not too much fun.
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